ERROR DOCTOR will fix hidden bugs and errors on your PC and increase the overall performance speed of your computer by as much as300%. 错误的医生将修补程序隐藏的错误和错误,对您的PC和增加整体表现的速度在您的计算机上高达300%。
I mean, you can see that it can get a bit cluttered because maybe those features that are hidden behind, or maybe we have trouble seeing if we don't have a computer, that looks very readable. 你也可以得到一些很杂乱的图像,因为那些特征被隐藏在后面,或者我们没有很好可视化电脑,而看不到清晰的图像,图像是很直观的。
Like the mythical Trojan Horse, the malicious code is hidden in a computer program which may appear to be useful, interesting, or at the very least harmless to an unsuspecting user. 就像神话特洛伊木马,恶意的程式码隐藏在电脑程式中,看起来有用或有趣,一个毫无戒心的使用者无法分辨出来它有害。
This article mentioned the computer network from each level security hidden danger, and it has researched the safe design proposal in each level of computer network. 本文从计算机网络各层的安全隐患谈起,探讨了计算机网络各层在设计中的安全设计方案,有助于解决了计算机网络的安全问题。
The hidden line and hidden surface removal is one of the difficult problems in computer graphics. 隐藏线和隐藏面的消除是计算机图形学中较为困难的问题之一。
Computer Science A set of instructions hidden inside a legitimate program, causing a computer to perform illegitimate functions. 非法命令,病毒:一套隐藏在合法程序中的命令,指示计算机进行不合法的运作。
The Hidden Line Processing of Computer Graphics on Mineral Crystal Shape 矿物晶体形态的计算机绘图的消隐处理
The paper introduces the hidden trouble of the computer network and familiar attack ways, emphasizes on the main methods and approach that can ensure the computer network security. 文章介绍了计算机网络存在的隐患,及常见的攻击手段,重点阐述了保证计算机网络安全的主要方法和途径。
To eliminate hidden lines is an important part of computer plotting. 隐藏线的消除是计算机绘图中的一个重要问题。
The risks exiting in the application of the computerized accounting are mainly the hidden dangers in computer's security, the accountant's professional morality exposed during the operation of the accounting computerization and the problem of weakening interior managerial control. 会计电算化实施中存在的风险和问题,主要是会计电算化系统存在的安全隐患,电算化操作过程中暴露出来的会计职业道德和内部管理控制弱化等问题。
The Detection and Protection of Sensitive Information Hidden in Computer 计算机隐含敏感信息的检测与防护
Parallel scan line hidden surface removal algorithm on a mesh connected computer 网格结构并行机上的扫描线消隐算法
The Problem of image hidden in sound and image is discussed in the paPer from the view of computer graphics. 从计算机图形学的角度对图象在声音和图象中的隐藏问题进村了讨论。
Automated Detection of 3-D Tunnel Intersection and Deletion of Hidden Tunnels in Computer Drawing of Mine Maps 计算机绘制矿图中巷道立体交叉的自动判别和隐藏巷道的消除
For multilayer perceptron with single hidden layer, the computer simulation is done to get the number of hidden neurons and quantization bit which satisfy the design requirement. 针对单隐层感知器的硬件设计进行了计算机仿真,得到了满足设计要求的隐层神经元个数和量化比特数。
In this paper, a discussion is first given to the hidden trouble of computer network security, the security problems in the military computer network is mainly presented. 文章首先论述了计算机网络安全中存在的各种安全隐患,重点指出了军用计算机网络中存在的安全问题。
Information Hidden is a new technology developed along with computer and multimedia technology. 信息隐藏技术是随着计算机和多媒体技术的飞速发展而发展起来的一项新兴技术。
The main application part of probability and statistics is hidden markov model, the three algorithms of hidden markov model is applied in the corpus, the computer to automatically build the semantic web. 概率统计方法中主要应用隐马尔科夫模型,将隐马尔科夫模型的三个算法应用到语料库中,使计算机能够自动构建语义网。
Data mining is realized through computer statistics and artificial intelligence techniques in some of the algorithms, mainly for the data from the mass of various laws to find out the hidden, computer data analysis is currently the most effective technology. 数据挖掘是通过计算机实现统计学和人工智能中的一些算法的技术,主要用于从海量的数据中找出其隐含的各种规律,是当前计算机数据分析最有效的技术。
Hierarchy may be visible or hidden to people, but to the computer, it is always buried deep in the complex relationship between data. 这种层次性虽然对于人类可能是易见的或者隐藏的,但对计算机而言总是被深埋在关系复杂的数据中。
However, in e-commerce to bring huge economic benefits to people at the same time, also hidden in enormous harm, in addition to the violation of computer information system and other related electronic commerce platform security crime, the commercial bribe crime also nots allow to ignore. 然而,在电子商务给人们带来巨大经济利益的同时,也隐藏着同样巨大的危害,除了侵犯计算机信息系统等相关的侵犯电子商务平台安全的犯罪之外,商业贿赂犯罪也不容忽视。